1. The Physical Universe.

2. The Self-Developmental Universe.

3. The Psycho-Sexual Universe

4. The Neuro-Psychological Universe.

5. The Bio-Psycho-Social Universe.

6. The Psycho-Technological Universe.

7. The Psycho-Political Universe.

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1. The Physical Universe:

Our physical ground conditions and surroundings.

From quarks, particles, and atoms, to the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and the outer space.

The Universe’s Silent Symphony of Speed.

Faster than the speed of light

How fast do you think you move without even using your legs, car, boat or airplane? In this article we look at the speed of the earth’s rotation around itself, the earth’s rotation around the sun, the sun’s rotation around the Milky Way, and the Milky way’s movement towards our neighbouring M31 Andromeda galaxy. We even measure the velocity of our big cloud of galaxies, towards the Big Attractor, – a most likely enormously strong Black Hole far out there.

Movement and Space.

BM 73 på Lillehammer

All forms of life have a certain kind of motion within itself. The motion may be small, as in a cell, or considerably big as when the heart beats, and when we walk or run. The movement seems microscopic in the DNA molecule, enormous in a storm, and astronomical in our own galaxy’s movement through the Universe. In this article we look at motion in relation to temperature, and link this to being psychologically moved that is the fact with our emotions. We look at small and big psychological movements, and the craving for speed in everything today except when it has to do with aging.

Universe Sperm, “Watch Your Head!”

There is a great possibility that comets and meteorites or debris of them, has initiated life on earth, when our planet was mostly dead and rocky. Daily our earth are hit by small debris from comets and meteorites. Sometimes the stones falling down hit roofs and people in their houses, and we show photos of this happening recently. But the 15 of February 2013 an enormous explosion occured over Chelyabinsk, Russia: The meteorite was about 55 feet in diameter, weighed around 10,000 tons. We also look into the Tunguska disaster in Siberia 1913, where The shock wave from the explosion leveled millions of trees, covering an estimated 800 square miles (2,000 square km)

Make me a Universe!

Salar d'Uyuni

This is a text that has the intention of inviting you into the adventurous and magical world of basic physics, without needing to be especially interested in physics and elementary particles, neutrons, protons and quarks. It is written in the form of a fairytale or fable. Here we start some minutes before the Big Bang and the making of our Universe.

The Forces of the Universe.    

There are four main forces in the Universe that make our life on earth possible: 1.The strong nuclear force. 2.The weak nuclear force . 3. Electromagnestism, and 4. Gravity. In this article of two we follow two friends on their way to a coffeehouse wondering and discussing why the material world that they see before their eyes, behave as it does. They also wonder why the buildings around them do not collapse and their bodies keep together inside their skin even when they run or jump. NB: It’s imortant to read the next post: “The Building Blocks of Nature”, to get the full meaning of this one.

The Building Blocks of Nature

If you calm down and sit still and consentrate on your body’s sensations, you will perphaps feel a special itching soon noticable all over. With this rather humoristic introductory approach we look into the myriads of our three main types of quarks that rotate inside the nucleus of the atoms of our bodies, mainly the neutrons and protons. With the calculator in hand I have counted the number of spinning quarks in an average person of about 70 kg. This is done through the knowledge of our main four atoms: Everyone of us consists of 63% hydrogen (H), 24 % oxygen (O), 9% carbon (C) and 3% nitrogen (N). In addition we have 0.9% salt, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, potassium and calcium in the body.

Why, – on Earth?

On top of First Page on Psychological Universe I have this enigmatic Frontpage Photo of the enormous Andromeda Galaxy, the sister Spiral Galaxy to our Milky Way. By this I wanted to remind ourselves of the Cosmic perspective we live within. In the article “Why,- on Earth”, we look into the effect on the human attitude towards life on earth, that astronauts report after a view of the earth from space. This is called “The overview effect”! Its “a cognitive shift in awareness” linked to “the experience of seeing firsthand the reality that the Earth is in space.” (Frank White)

2. The Self-Developmental Universe.

Our psychological relations and experiences.

The psychological conditions for developing a personality and a self based on your most important relationships from infancy, through childhood and teenage years.

 How do I become me?

In the three following articles we delve into the mystery of what mechanisms it is that eventually makes a person like you and me. We ask what it means to develop a self. Yes, what is this “I”? Or what am “I”, actually? The most normal and seemingly trivial thing as growing up, is in a psychological perspective most interesting and amazing! In the past, there was a belief that a child simply rolled out his personal qualities as the days and months of his life passed. Today, we know through infant research that this is far from being the case.

How “I” was born with “you”, “me” and “the others”.

The “I” and the “me”, cannot emerge without a relation with you! A wide range of infant researchers have the last 30 years given us much more insight in the importance of the these relations. They have shown how the infant’s psychological universe emerge as a consequence of the quality of these relations. Daniel Stern (1985, 1995.1998) in America, Colin Trevarthen (1998)in Britain, the Hungarian Fonagy(2001), and the American duo, Beebe & Lachmann (2002) are some of the most prominent scientists. A key concept as a result of these findings is the phenomenon “intersubjectivity”.

I am like an unfinished novel.


The environment that the child is offered through its family at birth, is like a publishing house. The conditions the publishing editors of the DNA text has to offer, is detrimental of the text’s success as a published manuscript. If the editors initially, reads the “text on the child’s own terms, the relation starts well. If not the result may in worst case be fatal. From this perspective of a text/context relation, the newborn in a sense represent the first volume in a relatively unedited, and only barely begun developmental novel. And the newborn’s family is somewhat comparable to a Publishing House.

Rings of memory.


I like to compare a human being with a beautiful tree! This tree has as many seasonal or annual rings as the person has had years. And to quote Forest Academy’s Faculty Manual: “Annual rings reveal the events that have occurred in our environment.” And like a tree we collect memories. We are just a billion times more advanced than trees. No offence Mr. and Mrs. Pine. But we human beings collect memories both in our body, and in our heads. Here in this text we look into the importance of beeing able to revive the different annual rings of your self. This is not only to know your history and where you shut off contact with earlier layers. It is also a way to get access to the more vibrant and vital annual rings within you.

The right and freedom to be yourself.

In some countries, you can be persecuted, imprisoned, or killed when opening your voice about politics or religion. Not even inside your own family you can say what you mean without risking being condemned, rejected, or expelled. “The Big Human Rights Declaration” about human inviolability is meant to guarantee the rights of any person, regardless of race, gender, religion or other status. In this article we take these universal rights down to the realationship beetween you and me, you and your child, and what to focus on when you listen to a person or child’s message to you. To give a person the right to express himself, does not necessarily mean to yield to his or her wishes or demands.



Psychology is a vast field of knowledge, with abundant research, theories and methods in its possession. In this brief introduction we go very fast through some of the most important parts of the history of psychodynamic and relational psychology. Primarily we focus on the methods of therapy based on a deepened respect for the clients and patients that get psychological treatment. On an everyday basis you know much psychology yourself, even without having studied it formally. If you had not possessed this often unconscious knowledg,e you would have felt it very hard to relate to any of your fellow citizens. I show some videos of interactions beetween mother and child that infant reasearchers have made from their work.

Eyes of Love.

What if you experienced someone who loved you dearly and intensely and even unconditionly, no matter how you behaved. That they saw right through you, and loved that little boy or girl hidden under your somewhat tough appearance and skin. Through the eyes of love you are unique, wonderful, amazing and lovable, Try to put yourself in that situation and let the voice of “The eyes of Love” talk to you and make you believe it’s true. Because it is, and you deserve exepriencing the power of unbound love!

The three births of man

Menneskets tre fødsler

Tired depressed sad and lonely, start at ground zero.

Let’s say it’s you feeling like that, sad, lonely, depressed and tired. Or perhaps your friend or sweetheart, even son or daughter. Here in this text we rewind the tape of life. Then we can delve into excactly a situation like that, were this sad and depressed person get a new chance to be seen exactly as she or he really are, – and even be loved for it. In other words we follow a person, like you and me, who get a new chance to be loved by somebody that never expects special favours from you for that reason. We also see then what happens to such a person later in life.

In Your Shadow


The shadow is a wonderful, interesting and mysterious phenomenon.  Painters have scrutinized the subtile colours of the shadow, for centuries. So have astronomers when they have been observing the shadow of the earth on the moon, during an eclipse. In this small article it is the symbolic and metaphorical aspects of the shadow that have interest. In our Psychological Universe the “shadow aspects” refer to  the unconscious aspects of the personality which the conscious self or ego does not identify in tself. The more we deny to see in ourselves, the more will our tendency to project these negative traits to others. Psychopaths or Sosiopaths is supposes to have very big shadows, and the more they attack others for their flaws, the more you can surmise that this is how THEY REALLY ARE THEMSELVES.

Self-love, – sickening or healthy?

Do you like yourself, appreciate yourself, even love yourself to some extend? I hope so! Self- love is underestimated. Much of today’s social life on the net seems to be driven by an urge to be seen, admired, even envied for looks and “outstanding achievements”. For many people Facebook function as a marketplace for exchanging looks, photos, travels, house, family, children, and recipes,- for likes. This is most often superficial recognition and accept. Here in this article we focus on the deep respect and self-love that is a prerequisite to accepting, liking and loving others.

3. The Psycho-Sexual Universe

Why is sex so prominent through our lifecycle? And how do we relate to each other sexually? Where do our sexual preferences or inclinations take its form? And what kind of problems are typical, or atypical and deviant?

Fed up with SEX, or just the way men do it?

This article is about women’s sexuality, and how boys and men can make it easier for women to want sex, when they get tired of it. It is also about barriers female sexuality has been surrounded by, barriers that are present even today. There is a difference between men’s and women’s sexuality. This is not only caused by biological differencies. It has as much to do with psychology, and with the differences in raising boys and girls in various countries, cultures and families. And it is of course linked to time and history. We look into a special form of frigidity where the women who love their men, don’t want to have sex with them. On the contrary they refuse to be objects of sexual attraction.

The sexuality of men; -unspoken aspects.

What’s wrong with male sexuality? Reading newspapers, watching news on TV, or following social media, gives you the impression that men’s sexuality is mostly harmful to the world. Not only is it harmful for women of all ages, from puberty until they go with stick or walker. Men’s sexuality is referred to as dangerous and harmful also for toddlers and schoolchildren of both sexes, even dangerous to other men and to defenseless animals. In this article we search for the truth about male sexuality in general.

He can’t get it up!

For a man this feels like the end of the world: According to the National Institutes of Health, 30 million men in the US, have trouble with their erectile function. That means their male pride won’t get hard enough to penetrate and carry through the intercourse. Of these 30 million men, 26 percent are young between 18-40 years old. That is:  7 million 800 thousand frustrated and anxious men. When they are emotionally upset, this is not necessarily because they are psychologically out of balance in the first place. It’s more like a reaction to not managing “the manhood test”. In this article we make some suggestions of how we can solve this problem without to much fuzz.

Our Sexual Universe. (dangerous and derailed sexuality)

seduction and rape

Traumatizing sex. On weekly basis I meet victims of what Robert Stoller called “erotic forms of hatred”. These young people have experienced harsh exploitation from grown ups that they are supposed to have trust in. Not only have some of them been sexually seduced. Most of them have been violated and forced into very painful sexual activity. In this article we see into the relation between the abuser and the abused. For example if the abuser has been a sexual victim himself in his life, he is now in control. The fright, helplessness and pain, is in the other, – the child. He,- the abuser can then empty all his despair, hate, despise, and lust, onto “the ungrateful little child whore and beast”! With a mixture of power and grandiose feelings, and hateful disgust for the poor child, he gets his heroine like sexual ecstasy that melts all good and bad feelings into an extremely tense euphoria. There are also examples of non-euphoric reactions where the feeling of control and power is dominant.

3. The Neuro-Psychological Universe.

Consciousness, and The Brain. part 1/2

The brain weighs only about one and a half pounds, and fits into your hand. Yet, this little jellyfish can control all your movements, recognize thousands of faces, perceive hundreds of thousands of words, marvel at the universe’s creation, development, and infinity. If this was not enough, it might even marvel at its own wonder. It can become self-conscious! There is no lack of brain cells or so-called neurons in your head. The brain is estimated to have nearly 84.6 billion neurons. (Azevedo et al. 2009) Each of these neurons has the possibility of between 1000 and 10,000 branches and connections to other neurons in the brain. (Ramachandran 2009) This is in number more connectivity options than there are elementary particles in the universe, he claims. But, as we ask in this article: How can the amount of brain cells account for the amazing phemenon we call conscious awareness, or self-awareness. Then we must looke elsewhere! We must scrutinize the structure and function of our the brain’s main informational systems.

Consciousness, and The Brain. part 2/2.

The amount of neurons and brain structure is not enough to gain conscious awareness. Our brain needs to interact with other brains to achieve this advanced state of mind. It is totally dependent on relational encounters with other living people. In this article we will see that the brain is structured as a sense-based and linguistic hierarchical organization. Because information flows both vertically up and down, and horizontally in a network between the systems, the brain can also develop so called recursivity or double feedback. This occurs through a kind of reflexivity, a sort of surveillance window at the front of the skull. Consciousness as we speak of it here, is therefore a very complex neuropsychological, bio-social, and relational state of mind. Psychological theory and psychopathology show us how dependent we are on safe and supportive parenting figures to gain sufficiently conscious awareness. In worst case, this can make the difference between a healthy mind or a mental collapse with total confusion.

The Psycho-political Universe:

“THE WHITE PROBLEM”. To turn the story on it’s head for George Floyd’s sake.

The Titanic of the Pandemic.

Are you prepared for an invasion from Norway?

Get off the coach and rebuild American Democracy.

Is this my country and my people, or is it yours? 

Norske verdier.

When the house is on fire.

What’s happening to my America?

Extremism and terror,- THE cost of excluding people from the group?

This survey is under construction……..

WORKING WITH CONSTRUCTION. photo Markadatabasen, Billedarkivet

The Empire State Building is a 102-story landmark Art Deco skyscraper in New York City at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and West 34th Street. It has SEVEN HEIGHTS upon each other from street to top. by als