Are you prepared for an invasion from Norway?

Psychological security and how we build a society.

Psychological Universe has been concerned with the kind of governance and policies that ensure the people in a country a safe and secure everyday life. Not only when you are well and good functioning, but also when you are sick, indisposed and broke! Is your own country like this? And is US. such a country?

A billionaire’s humble dwelling in the US westcoast. by loveProperty
A billionaire trying in solidarity the life of an evicted citizen?. Or is this an example of the astronomical difference between the 01-1 % of the population and the rest. Where is the American security net for the less fortunate? by The NewYorker
“Norwegians, please come to America!” (Donald Trump 2019)

President Donald trump has said that he want us Norwegians to move to The United States. But is he and the US prepared for being invaded by socialists and social democrats? We believe that Bernie Sanders and his voters would welcome us. In total, we only count 5.4 million people, so we would’nt make your country overcrowded, by former Vikings!

Is this the conditions most American fear:

After seeing this American video report, I would rather recommend that you Americans try to copy and adapt our Norwegian and Scandinavian model of governance, instead of moving to you! We once discovered your country before Columbus, in 1000 AD, so “we’ve already been there, and done that!”

“Hello America, here we are!” Viking Leiv Eriksson discovering North-America year 1000 AD.
We wish you all the best, and won’t charge you for copying us.
(After the Corona pandemic, please visit Norway, and see for yourself that the ideals of the “green lady underneath” with hear symbol of freedom in hand, lives at its best in this socially democratic country! You might also visit Sweden and Denmark to check it out.)
Warning: Unfortunately we have many conservative politicians in Norway that idealize the American neo-liberal thoughts and politics of Ayn Rand and economist Fridrich Hayek. Their aim is to step by step dismantle our proud and succesful social democratic model.

Frontpage picture: The Norwegian Parliament, “Stortinget”.

Ting or Parliament was developed by the Norwegian Vikings, but originally in the work “Germania” from the year 98 AD, the historian Tacitus describes the things of the Germans, as an important forrunner of the Vikings a thousand years later. Here common men could stand up against the rules of the king and change the law.