Tag Archives: fast

Longing and Grief

The Picture over this post is taken by me at midwinter  21. of december. That is the day of the year, in the Northern hemisphere when the sun usually makes the shortest travel over the horizon. That is the day also becomes the shortest day of the year( referring to sunrise-sunset).

Here at 62. latitude 10. longitude we are used to a day from about 09.00 a clock . to a about 16.00 .  ( will be continued in english soon)

Aenean ut ligula non nunc dignissim faucibus a a est. Nulla cursus nibh ut erat suscipit, in tristique massa mattis. Donec sit amet tellus sodales lectus dignissim dignissim quis vel justo. Aenean condimentum in dui a malesuada. Nunc justo orci, venenatis vitae tempor at, convallis ac urna. Proin iaculis rhoncus nunc, non fermentum ligula. Donec et urna risus. Phasellus venenatis sit amet ipsum quis lacinia. Sed tincidunt quis mi ac dignissim. Etiam fermentum nunc vitae finibus egestas. Donec ornare aliquam leo id mattis. Maecenas tincidunt lacus ac dui posuere mattis.