Is this my country and my people, or is it yours?

Norwegian attitudes and values. 2.

A critical review.

In the NRK program “TYPICAL NORWEGIAN”, Petter Scherven has mentioned a number of Norwegian characteristics that we may also add to our values:

– Low fences between our houses and properties.

Large houses with low or no fences around the property, by

Not having tall fences and gates around our houses is typically Norwegian. Every fifth Norwegian also has a cabin or association with a cabin.

Typical Norwegian mountain cabin with skigard, photo

-Norwegian nature.

It is important for us to have access to nature where ever we live, both on workdays but especially in weekends and during vacation, which there are plenty of. We have a long tradition of berry harvesting and picking mushrooms in the woods and fields. In the autumn there is a lot of work picklng apples from the the trees, and preparation of the different berries and fruits of the garden.

– The lunch box.

Our lunch box is very Norwegian and characterized by the old attitudes to moderation. It’s usually no box with slices of bread, it’s bread with spread wrapped in white paper. Otherwise abroad you usually eat a hot meal in the middle of  day

“Matpakka” or ” matpakken”( apack of food ) is very norwegian indeed.

– We love to “have it cosy”, or a cosy time.

Norwegians love to enjoy themselves in differnt ways infront of the fireplace, They love to enjoy themselves in front of the TV, on the sofa, in the bed. They enjoy their animals, enjoy their children and even each other’s company. The Saturday gathering has a special position in their lives. Tealights and candles in the evening, especially in the dark times, is typical Norwegian. They call it “Peiskos”,that is cosyness in front of the fireplace.

“Peiskos” in front of the fireplace. by

– Newer values

We are a country where men do what was previously most reserved women. Male party politicians, crown princes and social leaders are walking out with their babies in  prams and strollers. They take fathers leave with pleasure. My own observation is that Norwegian fathers want to create closer relationships with their children from infancy and upwards.

– A tradition of strong trade unions.

Norway has a tradition of a strong trade union movement. That’s not how it is England and the United States after Reagan and Thatcher. Such values as Trade Unions ​​contradict what the Right wing politicians think about the rights of employees. Instead they support the view of the employers, in  what is traditionally called the tripartite cooperation in Norwegian working life.

LO, by Gabrielsen, the State Negotiator, Dalseide and NHO represented by Skogen-Lund. Photo Aftenposten.

Here the tradition has been that LO (workers and employees union), and NHO(the employers union) have had a steady balance of strength, with the state in a intermediate negotiating position.

A new and dangerous path regarding traditional values.

The idea has always been that wealth and wellfare must be widely distributed in order to avoid the imbalance and disadvantages of a country with great differences. The majority in the population does not want increasing differences. We simply do not want a society where the individual is left to himself and is “the blacksmith of his own happiness.”  

But this last mentioned attitude is in fact, the tenets of neo-liberalism. They have been standing for a long time  strong in Republican circles in the United States, with philosopher Ayn Rand in the lead,  and economists like Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek as providers of the premises for the intrinsic  excellence of the market.

Americans themselves have pointed on the impact of these values ​​in the US society today. For in the US today, its difficult to succeed if your pictorially are born with one dice in “Life’s Monopoly Game,” instead of three or six dices, at the upper middle class and the rich.

Dice. Multiple exposure

– A well-functioning social democracy even with conservative governments for periods.

Here we differ from most countries in the world, except for the other Scandinavian countries. Year after year Norway has been voted one of the best countries in the world to live in. Both poor and rich have access to free public health and social services. We therefore do not need health insurance as in the US and other countries.

But I will add; How long will we keep this kind of society that has charachterized us the last 70 years?

We also have good Pension Agreements until now. Still, some right-wing politicians say we can no longer afford it. In the richest country in the world we can not afford? Which other countries should then be able to afford tax-paid and pension fund-paid welfare?

– “Norway is unbelievable to Americans!”

This is what filmmaker Michael Moore says. The fundamental differences between Norway and the United States are so great that no American will believe it to be true. Therefore, he also had to edit out some elements from his documentary about Norway.

“In Norway, there is a tradition for politicians to serve the people and the community and not vice versa. When the politician Slagsvold Vedum talked about Norwegian values ​​in the main party debate before the election day, he pointed out that we have never bowed to the elite or the authorities. He pointed to the National type of State as the best governance framework, pointing out that the Conservative Right wing politicians has the EU as the best governance framework. “(Quoted by Tonje Gjevon in Dagbladet’s above article)

– Protest Nation.

Our tradition of equality involves small social and geographical differences, Journalist Gjevjon continues. – And we have used tax policy actively to ensure this. It is also about proximity to the power and respect for the national government and local Norway.

Our status as governed by Denmark and Sweden for hundreds of years until 1814 and 1905, has led to a rebellious spirit in the people that is typically Norwegian. The opposition to the EC, the EU and now the European energy connection to ACER, may be a consequence of this. We have fought with strong forces to free ourselves from domination by others countries before, and won our independence in the end.

Hurray for Norway and the Fatherland, by Rajaamajd

Yes, we are proud of this country,” Yes, we love this land”.(Our national anthem, video with music, press link below)

Part one of this article is here: