Your Page

Hey! Welcome to your own page!

This is the page where you can publish your own story. Here you can write down your experiences with, or your stories about this wanted New Image of Man that we are searching for. That is you send the story to us, and we print it here

As a counterforce to the prevailing negative view of man that media conveys, we need from our reader many different examples, small or big of the alternative perspective. Man as a co-partner to his fellow citizens and his/her society. it’s of course partly true the prevailing picture of man if you look at it on the structural level of the embedded frames of reference and competition culture. A perspective purported and supported by many leaders of states, political parties, and CEOs of industrial and financial enterprises. Even and not the least in a competitive world of sport.

But is this how we really are or behave, when alternatives for physical and psychical survival are available and predominant? (Check:  A New Image of Man, Is the biggest threat in the world, – you and me? Caught in a Frame)

             Attend the Psychological Universe with your own writings.

Your Page With Your Stories:

Try to look out for personal examples or stories from others, where human actions give hope for a healthier society and a healthier world.

              Looking around for golden examples of who we are

You can refer to children, teenagers, grown-ups, old people, groups, soldiers, medical personnel, teachers, priests, politicians, leaders of all kinds, -you name it!  You don’t need to be very good at writing. We will do some simple editing if needed. Any questions just ask us here below.

You can send your story right in the e-mail or as an attachment to the e-mail address: ( We think the comment box down below, is to small for such stories and reserve it for the comments . ) If you still need a brief summary of what we want to  counteract, check:
We look very forward to having you here and promise to take your contribution very seriously.                        Yours Sincerely,- Admin; Janeriwaa.